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Homeless street outreach

The mission of Silent Rescue is to provide Street Outreach assistance to people living on the streets, giving them the resources to transition away from homelessness, and providing them with necessary items and conversation. Our Outreach supports those living independently, and we think that providing shelter is a necessary and beneficial first step in developing relationships.

We walk along the streets to talk to homeless people who are sleeping in doorways and on the pavements, and in the alleyways behind buildings. There is no such thing as an average day, we work early in the morning and very late at night at times. We engage with people who may be disconnected and alienated not only from mainstream services and supports, but from the services targeting homeless people as well.

This work can take time. For many people with addictions issues, with pets, with partners they refuse to part with, or who are underage and fearful of being turned over to child protection authorities, there may be real or perceived barriers to accessing existing services.

Today, while travelling through Mid-Town and Downtown Houston, we were delighted to provide many blessed bags. All the components for survival were within these bags, such as preserved food, fruit, liquid, warm hats, protective handwear, and foot coverings. Directions to nearby shelters, literature to help, and places to get hot meals, take showers, and do laundry.

Horrible events can occur in the alleys and streets. I approached two gentlemen that had their basket and blankets inside the entrance of a drive-through car wash. I made my way up to them to give them some fresh blankets and other materials. In shock, I watched as drugs were injected into their arms. I recalled a saying that sometimes it's the insignificant gestures that can have the biggest impact on someone's life.

I placed the blessed bags and blankets with the desire that it would bring delight, understanding that somebody values them. We serve a vital function, filling in a gap in access to services and helping those who face heightened barriers. We are making our presence known as part of our efforts to reduce homelessness.

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Apr 15, 2023

Terrible happenings can be found in the alleys and streets.


Apr 03, 2023

I love the name blessed bag because that is literally what it is a blessing filled with manna.


Mar 23, 2023

This is awesome. I know when I used to volunteer at a women's shelter. There was some there that did not take accountability for their actions. I know life happens to all of us but we are still responsible for getting our selves out

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